
The Chintz Bar

39 helybéli ajánlja,

Tippek a helyiektől

December 1, 2019
Music and bar with tapas and cocktails
December 30, 2016
Bar with loads of character
March 22, 2022
Far down the rabbit hole in the heart of Falmouth lies The Chintz Bar, a bar like no other. Vividly patterned wallpaper, walls of mirrors, secret rooms and gaudy vintage furniture evoke the bright and abstract fantasy created by Lewis Carroll's Alice In Wonderland. Specialising in wines, cheese, cocktails, wise debates, music and awesome parties. The Chintz Bar is the best place to relax, put your feet up and watch the mayhem unfold...
Far down the rabbit hole in the heart of Falmouth lies The Chintz Bar, a bar like no other. Vividly patterned wallpaper, walls of mirrors, secret rooms and gaudy vintage furniture evoke the bright and abstract fantasy created by Lewis Carroll's Alice In Wonderland. Specialising in wines, cheese, coc…
August 7, 2021
Great setting, assiette and music programmation.
July 9, 2021
Bar rather than pub. Eclectic, fun often with live music in a great courtyard location

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A falmouthi szellemtúra imádói
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A helyiek az alábbiakat is ajánlják

Falmouth, England