
Thermal Belt Rail Trail

16 helybéli ajánlja,

Tippek a helyiektől

July 29, 2019
Walk, bike or rollerblade this 13.5 mile paved trail which extends from Gilkey to Forest City, with multiple trailheads along the way. Restaurants, etc. en route.
Hollie And Paul
November 17, 2019
The trail starts in Gilkey and ends in Forest City. There are various parking areas and you can do whatever distance suits you! Walk, jog, or bike-it’s a beautiful way to see the areas
September 19, 2021
You can walk, ride a bike, skateboard or scooter along this trail that runs for thirteen miles. There are picnic tables, benches, exercise equipment, and various other stuff along the way; get on and off and browse the downtown areas of Spindale and Forest City.
July 2, 2020
Great trail for hiking and mountain biking
July 16, 2022
13,58 Miles long! You can rent bikes on OPENBOX Bikes & Fitness Address: 153 W Main St. Spindale NC 28160

Thermal Belt Rail Trail az Airbnb-élményprogramjain

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Kecskehúsfarm-látogatás és sajtkóstolás
Highland Cows Történelmi otthon- és farmtúra
125 Reveley St
Spindale, NC
Alexander Mills