
Reykjavik Whale Watching / WW Centre

68 helybéli ajánlja,

Tippek a helyiektől

May 23, 2019
Their whale watching tours are focused mainly on the southern part of Faxaflói bay, just off Reykjavík. Each day we scan the area for signs of whales as they never know for sure where we might find them. Sometimes we have to go far while at other times the whales are quite close to the shore. On some occasions (mainly in winter), when weather conditions or chances of spotting whales are greater elsewhere than our regular area in Faxaflói, we depart from nearby harbours like Hafnarfjörður, Keflavík, Sandgerði or Grindavík making the tours last anywhere from 3-5 hrs.
Their whale watching tours are focused mainly on the southern part of Faxaflói bay, just off Reykjavík. Each day we scan the area for signs of whales as they never know for sure where we might find them. Sometimes we have to go far while at other times the whales are quite close to the shore. On som…
November 13, 2015
whale watching tours
March 13, 2018
Whale watching is so amazing.
September 14, 2015
Best whale watching company in Reykjavik at least!
April 5, 2016
one of two or three whale watching companies down at the harbour

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