
The Pencil Museum

7 helybéli ajánlja,

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June 7, 2016
Be inspired by artists and create your own adventures in art. With workshops in creative crafts from animation, cartoons and illustrations to model making there is something for all the family to create. Discover the secrets behind the fascinating history of the escape artist’s pencil that RAF pilots carried with them during the war to guide them safely home, in our Secret Pencil Exhibition. Find out exactly how we get colour into a pencil today and let the kids imaginations run free in the Kids Art Studio. Relax and have a cuppa and a sticky bun at our riverside location with views of Catbells.
Be inspired by artists and create your own adventures in art. With workshops in creative crafts from animation, cartoons and illustrations to model making there is something for all the family to create. Discover the secrets behind the fascinating history of the escape artist’s pencil that RAF pilo…
Alan & Cheryl
November 3, 2015
Borrowdale was famous for its high quality graphite deposit and Keswick was the home pencil manufacturing, which moved to West Cumbria in the 1990s. You can still find out about pencils in the museum.
Martin & Jo
April 22, 2013
Who wouldn't want to see the largest pencil in the world!
November 27, 2016
Something different for the family
January 15, 2014
Things to do on a wet day

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