
Celebration Square

10 helybéli ajánlja,

Tippek a helyiektől

An Hai
July 31, 2022
Enjoy a variety of free events from food festivals to outdoor fitness to live music. Only 8 minutes drive from home.
August 25, 2022
Free skating for everyone. Only in the winter, off course. Just across the street.
December 21, 2019
A space for local events, food markets, performances, cultural celebrations. Many fun events for couples and families to enjoy.
October 4, 2022
One more place to explore. For ice skating or attend any events that frequently happen in this place.
October 16, 2021
Enjoy a free skate at the Ice Rink in the Winter seasons located under the City Hall building in Celebration Square. Just bring your skates or rent from them at the Ice Rink.

Celebration Square az Airbnb-élményprogramjain

Ismerd meg ezt az ikonikus látványosságot a helyiek által vezetett, kislétszámú Airbnb-élményprogramokon
Mutasd meg a várost - Egy torontói gyalogtúra
Gelato-kóstoló és gelato produkciós túra
R&B koncert egy kalózhajón
City Centre Drive
Mississauga, ON