
Orca Books

10 helybéli ajánlja,

Tippek a helyiektől

October 20, 2015
Best local bookstore!
July 5, 2016
A local, independent store which carries second hand as well as new books.
November 12, 2017
Olympia's legendary bookstore.
August 24, 2021
Recently become a cooperative, Orca is a great place to search for new and lots of used books and a good place to search for used textbooks from Evergreen classes.
March 3, 2019
Truly awesome independent bookstore. Serving Olympia bookies for 25 years. Check out their "staff picks" shelf--always stimulating. Cats prowl the dusty stacks. 1000 times funner than buying a book from Amazon.

Orca Books az Airbnb-élményprogramjain

Ismerd meg ezt az ikonikus látványosságot a helyiek által vezetett, kislétszámú Airbnb-élményprogramokon
Nyugodt, régimódi erdei séta
Fun Awaits - Safari at an Accredited Farm Animal Sanctuary
Túra lámákkal, etetés alpakával stb.
315 5th Ave SE
Olympia, WA
Historic District