
Lil Hut

3 helybéli ajánlja,

Tippek a helyiektől

October 7, 2015
This place is great for a quick grab. Really good chowder and fish and chips. One of our favorite takeout locations.
May 21, 2017
They have a crabby patty sandwich...not sure if Spongebob has been here. Great shack for fish and chips. Beer and drinks are available next door and you can eat your lunch with a great view of Morro Rock.

Egyedi programok a közelben

Morro Bay elektromos kerékpártúrája
Túrázz a lélegzetelállító kilátásig a Cayucos felett
Privát szörflecke két főre Morro Bay területén
1205 Embarcadero
Morro Bay, CA