Hasznos hely

Via Dei Tribunali

192 helybéli ajánlja,
Via dei Tribunali
Napoli, Campania

Tippek a helyiektől

May 2, 2018
popular street, lifestyle, characteristic.
Sabrina & Valentina
July 28, 2015
road with many pizzerias some also take away, market, pastry
Antonello & Valentina
July 23, 2015
Discreta trattoria nonostante sia in una zona molto turistica/good tipic restaurant even if in the core of the touristic zone (€)
August 19, 2017
"Pio Monte della Misericordia" - Octagonal chapel with collection by Neapolitan 17th/18th-century masters including Luca Giordano. Hosting the world-renowned artworks "Sette Opere di Misericordia" by Caravaggio
August 7, 2022
The decumanus major is an arterial road in the ancient centre of Naples and, together with the decumanus inferior and decumanus superior, one of the three main roads of the ancient Greek urban system.

Egyedi programok a közelben

Autentikus pizzakészítő foglalkozás, titkos tészta, előétel és San Marzano
Történelmi nápoly:Szülők,Felnőttek,Legendák
Gnocchit és Ragù-t készítünk Nápolyban

A helyiek az alábbiakat is ajánlják