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Utazási admin

Első lépések az Airbnb üzleti utakhoz programban

Did you know we have a tool to help your employees travel, connect, and collaborate on Airbnb? Here’s how to use Airbnb for Work, who it’s for, and other tips to help your team navigate business travel.

An intro to Airbnb for Work

Airbnb for Work makes it easy to travel and collaborate with your co-workers. When you sign up, you’ll get benefits to make company travel less of a headache—like a free dashboard that makes it easy to book and manage employee trips on Airbnb. Ready to sign up? Start by filling out the contact form to tell us more about your company. If your company isn’t enrolled, you can still set up your Airbnb account for business travel separately.

About Airbnb for Work
Get info on how to book and manage work trips for your employees, and use our tools to help manage business travel.

Signing up your company for Airbnb for Work
Find out how to enroll your company and start getting business travel perks.

How to use business travel if your company isn’t enrolled in Airbnb for Work
Learn how you can set up your account for business travel, even if your company isn’t enrolled in Airbnb for Work.

Managing your company’s account

Before you can review employee trips or get financial reports from your dashboard, you’ll need to first link your work email address to your account and be added as a travel admin. Once you’ve linked your email address and you’re logged in, click on your profile picture to select Airbnb for Work.

Ready to invite someone to your account? From your Airbnb for Work dashboard, you can add and invite people. Just know only employees with a company email address will be able to join.

How to manage company travel
Learn how to link your work email address to your account to keep track of employee trips.

Inviting employees to join Airbnb for Work
Get info on how to create an invite page for your company and send employees a link to join.

Integrating with travel partners

Want to share any data with your company’s partners? You can, you just have to be an admin first. Then you can connect Airbnb with other partners you use and that Airbnb supports, like BCD Travel.

Integrating your Airbnb for Work account with travel management companies or partners
Info on which partners Airbnb supports and how to activate data sharing with them.

How data sharing works for Airbnb for Work
Learn what reservation info is shared and what access your travel partners may have.

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  • A műszerfal használata

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  • Utazási admin

    Így foglalhatnak utat a munkatársak a kollégáiknak

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  • Róma

    Ha Airbnb-házigazda szeretnél lenni, íme néhány információ, amely segít megérteni a városodban érvényes jogszabályokat
Segítséget kaphatsz többek között a foglalásaiddal vagy a fiókoddal kapcsolatban.
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