Miután elkezdesz gépelni, javaslatok fognak megjelenni. Az áttekintéshez használd a felfelé és lefelé mutató nyilakat. A kiválasztáshoz használd az Enter billentyűt. Ha a kijelölt rész egy kifejezés, akkor a kifejezés kerül be a keresésbe. Ha a javaslat egy link, akkor a böngésző erre az oldalra navigál.

Hogyan használhatom a Bejelentkezés az Apple-lel funkciót az Airbnb-n?

Sign in with Apple allows you to use Face ID or Touch ID instead of a password on Airbnb. Returning users can log into their accounts with one-click.

Using Sign in with Apple with an Airbnb account

Sign in with Apple is currently available only for creating new Airbnb accounts. If you already have an Airbnb account, please log into your account as you normally would.

Using Sign in with Apple on a non-iOS device

You can also use Sign in with Apple with a web browser or Android phone when creating a new account. Check out Apple’s support page for how to do this on other platforms.

If you used an email address to sign up

  1. From a web browser or Android device, click Log in and then Forgot password?
  2. Enter the email address associated with your Apple ID and click Send reset link.
  3. Follow the instructions in your email to set an Airbnb password on your account.

You can now use your Apple ID email address and your Airbnb password to log into your account. You can still use one-click Sign in with Apple on iOS devices.

If you used an Apple forwarding email address to sign up

If you used an Apple forwarding email address to sign up, please review Apple’s support page for how to do this. You can also use this Apple support article if you don’t know what your Apple forwarding email address is.

Deactivating Sign in with Apple and disconnecting your Apple ID from your Airbnb account

  1. On your iOS device, go to Settings and click on your name (the first menu item).
  2. Click on Password & Security and then Apps Using Your Apple ID.
  3. Click on Airbnb and then on Stop Using Apple ID.
  4. Confirm your selection by clicking Stop Using a second time.

Please note that this does not delete your Airbnb account but just de-couples your Apple ID from your Airbnb account.

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